Thursday, November 29, 2007

Practice, Practice, Practice!

I know what your thinking Hilda... The kids could of had on better outfits!! Haha. Just some randomness. When this semester is over I will have alot more time to prep! So what you think so far? ♥ Love you all till next time... Yoli Smith

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Here are some pictures...

Finally!! My 350D is here!

My new spiffy camera is here! I'm uber excited! I have already messed with it and the shots that I have so far are awesome! Cant wait to really get into it. I still have so much to learn
WARNING: I will be borrowng all of your kiddos to test out my camera!
Special shout out: To my wonderful husband for making this possible. I'm so thanksful that he is supporting me in my life throught the lens. I love him dearly. ♥ I will be posting a couple of pictures soon. Love you all, Yolanda

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Trick or Treat:

Halloween is over! Thankfully.... Here are my kiddos in their costumes!
Sorry about the backwards post! =] hehe

Introducing: Barbie the Cheerleader, Spiderman and Princess Raenetta

November already!!

Wow the year is almost over! In January I remembered saying how long it was going to take for this year to be over and BAM 2 more months left in '07. Here are some pics from 4th of July.

Contact Information:

Yolanda Smith @ Just Because! Photography
Corpus Christi, TX

Phone: {361} 980-1619
Please feel free to contact me by telephone or
email: or on