has started and im soooooooooo overwhemled. There is so much to read and think about! Tests left and right, hands on traning and an online class!!! Geesh they trying to give a stroke!!! lol =} Lord you are going to have to help me with one! Help me to understand and to keep all this crtical information in my head. Lord continue to lead and guide me in the right direction. ~Your child Yolanda
God = Awesome: My name is Yolanda Smith! I am a wife and a mother! My husband and I have been together for 6 years and married for 3 1/2 years. We have 4 wonderful children {we each have a child from previous relationships.) About 3 years ago I decided to put my life in God's hands. No matter what happens; God has lifted me up out of situations that seemed helpless! He has been a true blessing to me and my family. Praises to God!! I pray that he continues to lead me in the right direction.